Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Homemade Christmas

As I sit here approaching Midnight on December 22, I begin getting a vision of my girls all grown up and reminiscing about their mother. Thinking back to when the crazy old lady used to make Christmas presents. HA!! Who would do such a thing? Who would spend 3 hours making "15-minute" pajama pants and matching sleep masks on December 22nd??
Why? Why? Why?
The joke would be on them though - because I would pull out these pictures. I'd tell them about the time they insisted on making stockings for their dolls.
How they lovingly pushed and pulled the needle through the fabric - cursing in their 4 & 7 year old way when the thread came out...
Then we all would be reminded that it is not really about the end product (right? RIGHT!) It is just about the love we put into making it. Those peaceful moments when we are concentrating on who the gift is for and the reasons we love them.
My grown-up girls would then stop laughing at me and BEG me to make "15-minute" pajama pants for Christmas again!!! But, I would say no... because what crazy lady makes Christmas presents?

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