Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy 2013!!

Happy New Year.

It took me a few days but I knew I could come up with something new for 2013.  There was no way I was going to go a through January without some focus!  So I decided to think of the top 5 things that make me smile and focus on those things throughout the year.  So here they are in no particular order:

* Time with Hubby.  To help me become more inspired I have enlisted the help of the Dating Divas (who knew?).  Definitely going to kick up the heat in 2013!

*Reading.  I already read just about anything I can but I want to be more intentional about what I am reading. Mix in a little good literature with my "easy reading".  Amy Clark from the Blog "The Motherload" usually has some great recommendations.  Here is her top list from 2012.
*Working Out.  OK - let's be real.  The actually physical exertion of working out does not make me smile.  Even the thought of the planned exercise just completely bums me out. But here is what does make me feel so good, the second I get done.  Knowing that I was able to squeeze in 30 minutes of physical activity is too cool.  So 2013 - maybe a 5K?  Maybe.
*Everyday life with Girls.  My favorite times with the girls are when we are just randomly together.  Maybe reading in the same room or doing our hair.  When there is nothing planned and we can just be.  I am going to try really hard to stop what I am doing and LISTEN to them, ASK questions and TALK.  They seem to really love it too. 
*Creating.  If I am making something I am happy.  The list is long.  What will be first?
So that should do it.  I am ready for 2013.  Are you?

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