Wednesday, November 3, 2010


A pink punk pirate, My little Pony, and Edward (HA) all came out on Halloween. They knew the drill. Walk fast, ring bell, say thanks, and move out. Now mommy has candy.
It is too cool when one of your kids wants the evil pumpkin. It just proves they are realizing the difference between real and make-believe.
It doesn't hurt to have a sweet, nice, pumpkin hanging around either, though.

Speaking of jack o'lantern's... I must toot my own horn and mention these darling ladies. All carved up for the Preschool Halloween Party. Considering how everything I make turns to crap, I was pretty impressed with myself.
Can you believe before all that there was another weekend I forgot to mention? My parents came into town to take the girls out for a night at a hotel. (Man, they are so spoiled!!) First we joined them at the Phoenix Botanical Gardens just in time for the Mariposa Monarch exhibit.
Along the lines of cooking I also stink at taking pictures but, again, I must say this is pretty dang impressive! Isn't he beautiful? (There is a way to tell, I found out.)
Every child under 12 got to take home a pumpkin. My Dad picked out a good one...
It was a little toasty and the lines were a little long. But we persevered and were all smiles.

And, to end the post, with the beginning. The Guy Family's first ever Relay for Life team. A great learning experience for Audrey who yelled out to people "Pick-A-Pop" for 4 straight hours. She was determined to get people to play our game and make money for the cause.

She is noticing that it isn't just us in this world. There are many, many, more. Some hurting, some healing, some that give, and some that take. Some that it might be OK to just ignore!
So there it is - a flashback of the last two weeks - Whew.

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