Thursday, December 16, 2010

Polar Express

Have you read the book? Can you still hear the bell?
We made the decision to join everyone at the tradional "Polar Express" train ride in Williams, AZ. Donning matching P.J.'s and all - we had no regrets!
I just love these pictures of the cousins - they care about each other so much and it is so neat to see.

This is Grandma's idea of a good time... 8:00 at night with 6 kids under 7 waiting for a train!! What is Christmas for if you can't make your Grammy happy? (At least once every few years!)
Santa made a special stop and told Audrey - the only thing he wasn't able to bring on Christmas is a new front tooth...that was the tooth fairies job! She thought that was pretty dang funny...

It was a really loud, err fun trip and if I didn't hear the bells before I certaintly can now :)

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