Friday, June 19, 2009

Agh, the rain...

I know you are going to think I am nuts but I woke up this morning to the sound of draining gutters - Pure Bliss. It hasn't rained here in over 3 weeks and, well, I have missed it.

Since it is not normal for it to be super sunny here, when the days are great everything kicks into high gear. There is pressure to be doing, going, exploring, and not wasting a single moment. I am now thrilled for the chance to just chill out on this rainy day. It is also the first day of Summer Vacation to boot - woo-hoo... no racing to get the girls ready.

Oh, and did I mention Audrey recevied an "Always on Time" bookmark from school?? Did you hear that people? I got Audrey to school this year ALWAYS ON TIME!! (I even brought her one day there wasn't school - HA!)

Taking it super slow today.

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